To recruit or to upskill?

To recruit or to upskillIn today’s fast-paced world, the demand for skilled workers is rapidly increasing. With new technologies being developed and business models being transformed, companies are looking for employees who can adapt to change, with the necessary skills to succeed in a variety of roles. In response to this demand, many organisations have […]

Health and wellbeing in the hybrid workplace

Does your business offer health and wellbeing training? Could a lack of focus in this area be impacting your most expensive asset – your people?  Investing in employee wellbeing can have huge benefits for an organisation and it’s becoming more crucial than ever to put measures in place to attract and retain your people. Some […]

Focus on hybrid people development in a changing world

How prominent is people development in your business? Could a lack of people support and development be affecting the retention of your employees? Holding on to team members and recruitment are both becoming more challenging, at the moment, so developing your most important asset – your people – has never been more important. Hybrid has […]