For a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.
Alongside the compliance and core skills catalogue, we are working with strategic partners to develop a range of leadership programmes that introduce, re-define and embed critical leadership skills.
These programmes are substantive pathways authored by specialists in the field. They are available as either a digital only or blended programme that includes facilitated sessions and action learning group sessions. Both approaches have optional coaching and support available.

Our first pathway, The Futurist Leader programme, is designed for senior executives and managers aspiring to senior roles. This programme is for those seeking to improve their leadership knowledge, skills and behaviours across a broad range of advanced and future-focused leadership aspects.
The programme equips leaders with the advanced skills, knowledge and behaviours they need to succeed in senior roles and apply them to leadership practice.
Ultimately, this programme will help leaders take their capabilities to the next level by accelerating and maximising their learning and helping them apply the learning and mindset changes back in the workplace

Blended Delivery

Digital Delivery

Facilitated 1:1 & Group
The Futurist Leader Programme is constructed around a Future-Focused Success Framework. We have considered the skills, knowledge and behaviour required to be a future focused leader and developed our programme of content around these aspects.
Get in touch today to find out more about the programme and unlock the full potential of your leaders.
Module 1
Futurist Leader
- Leading authentically
- Own purpose and values
- My core strengths
- Building resilience
- Emotional intelligence
- Developing an agile mindset
Module 2
Inspiring and Empowering Others
- Developing vision
- Creating a culture of empowerment and learning
- Uncovering purpose and values (others)
- Identifying strengths (others)
- Intrinsic motivation
- Balance of challenge and support
Module 3
Leading Cohesive Collaboration
- The wider system
- Diversity of thinking and unconscious bias
- Building cohesive relationships
- Building trust
- Healthy challenge
- Securing commitment
- Developing accountability
- Focusing on collective results
Module 4
Building Agility and Leading Change
- VUCA & change readiness
- Strategic direction
- Competitive edge, innovation and continuous improvement
- Sustainability and social impact
- Creative problem solving
Module 5
Developing Talent and Potential
- Talent planning – self and others
- Leader as coach
- Building a growth mindset
- Working with strengths
- Building resilience with others
- Encouraging stretch performance