eLearning Plus – Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
eLearning Plus is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. Although we are a small business and not required to publish a modern slavery statement under Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, we voluntarily adopt this policy as part of our values-driven approach to business.
We oppose all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking and are committed to ensuring that our business and supply chains are free from such practices.
Our Business
eLearning Plus provides digital learning solutions, including:
- Pre-built CPD-certified online courses,
- Bespoke course and content creation, and
- A cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) platform.
As a fully digital organisation, we do not operate physical sites, factories, or distribution networks. We have a small, skilled team and occasionally work with freelance professionals and third-party service providers.
Our Commitment
We will:
- Not tolerate slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, or human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chain.
- Expect the same high standards from all our contractors, suppliers, and other business partners.
- Include modern slavery awareness as part of supplier due diligence and procurement activity where relevant.
Risk Assessment
Due to the nature of our business, we consider the risk of modern slavery occurring within our direct operations to be low. However, we recognise the potential for risk in our extended supply chain, especially in relation to third-party suppliers of software, digital services, and outsourced support.
We manage this risk by:
- Working predominantly with established, reputable suppliers;
- Using reputable, transparent platforms and partners;
- Limiting the use of overseas suppliers to those who meet recognised ethical standards.
Actions and Due Diligence
- We maintain a code of ethical conduct with which all team members and freelancers are expected to comply.
- New suppliers and partners are assessed for their commitment to fair labour practices and ethical standards.
- If we become aware of any breaches or concerns related to modern slavery, we will act immediately to investigate and terminate the relationship if necessary.
Training and Awareness
Given the size of our team, external formal training is not required at this stage (we do have a CPD certified online course that we have created around this topic). However, we ensure that all team members are made aware of this policy and understand their role in upholding it. Any suspected breaches or concerns can be raised directly with the CEO in confidence.
Responsibility and Review
This policy will be reviewed annually by the CEO to ensure its ongoing relevance and effectiveness. We remain committed to transparency and continuous improvement in tackling the risks of modern slavery.